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Blackwelder’s Pest Control Inc., has one of the oldest charters issued by the State of Tennessee Department of Agriculture with Charter #101. It was founded by James (Tud) and Jo Nell Blackwelder in 1956. The Blackwelder’s sold the company to Rickey and Vickie Blount in 1980. It continues to be a home owned and operated company, which was something Tud and Jo Nell wanted. In 2021 Rickey and Vickie’s daughter and son-in-law Jill and James Clark have continued these same values. It is not by chance that Blackwelder’s has been in business for over 65 years. We are known throughout the area for our honesty and integrity, for our friendly and knowledgeable technicians, and for our desire in providing you with the best possible solutions for all your pest control and termite needs.
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Blackwelders services the follow locations:
- Adamsville
- Bath Springs
- Bethel Springs
- Clifton
- Collinwood
- Corinth
- Counce
- Crump
- Cypress Inn
- Decaturville
- Enville[/one_third]
[one_third ]
- Ethridge
- Iron City
- Iuka
- Lawrenceburg
- Leoma
- Lexington
- Linden
- Loretto
- Michie
- Milledgeville
- Morris Chapel[/one_third]
[one_third_last ]
- Olive Hill
- Pickwick
- Ramer
- Saltillo
- Sardis
- Savannah
- Scotts Hill
- Selmer
- Stantonville
- Summertown
- Waynesboro[/one_third_last]
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[fancyheading heading=”h1″ align=”textcenter” text=”Our Team” ][/fancyheading]
James Clark
Johnny Horton
Alan Waller
Brent Barron
Andrew Robertson
Robby Jenkins
Hunter Dawson
Gage Franklin
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Contact Us
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Our desire is to provide you with the best possible solutions for all your pest control and termite needs!
[button style=”flat” size=”large” border_color=”green” link=”/contact-us/” link_target=”true” align=”center” full_width=”false”]CONTACT US![/button]